Matei Zamfiroiu
Feb 20, 2023
"Elizabethtown" is a romantic comedy-drama movie directed by Cameron Crowe. It was produced in 2005 and stars Orlando bloom and Kristen Dunst. The story follows Drew Baylor who, after the death of his father and a failed work project, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. On his way he finds himself always coming back to Claire Colburn, a flight attendant who he met on his way to Elizabethtown. She becomes a significant and influential presence in Drew's life, helping him navigate through challenges and find a renewed sense of purpose.
While the movie isn't particularly new, the story and characters in "Elizabethtown" are magnifying and pull you with them for the entirety of their experiences and changes. Along the way, they ask themselves questions about the value of life and the importance of community, making the movie all the more worthwhile watching.
“Elizabethtown” will always have a special place in my heart. If I had to rate this movie, I’d give it 10 out of 10 points. The immaculate storytelling and the deeper meaning behind it are forever one of my favorites. But what really sets it apart from other good movies is the “small town” setting, which, in my eyes, improves the movie by a mile.
Fun fact: Sultan is just as big as Elizabethtown, and if you go through it and look, you can really see the resemblances in people and community that the movie shows!